Friday, February 15, 2019

Declaring a ScreenWriting course

This declaration written for my Argument course goes through reasons as to why Screenwriting should be taught as an independent study in GCE. As a student in GCE, I have the right to speak up about what I want from the school to help me grow artistically and academically. In this Argument course we have been studying The Declaration of Independence and how inductive and deductive reasoning is used in Arguments. For this argument, I have to use either inductive or deductive reasoning as well. Since GCE is independently motivated, allowing us to explore our interests and take risks through real world education, students should be able to take an independent study on the art of Screenwriting. Although the course Ollywood was already taught at GCE, Screenwriting is a different learning experience and dives into the study of writing movies and telling a story. My unalienable rights as a student in GCE it to be taught in a way that will help me grow and prosper in the real world. I discuss my reasons in a podcast where I give 5 different premises (accidentally leaving out one) as to why Screenwriting should be taught as an independent study. Below, I stated the 6 different premises supporting the guiding question, How does screenwriting contribute to real world education and benefit me as an artistically challenged student in GCE?

Follow the premises below as I discuss each reason.

The purpose of school and learning is to acquire the knowledge you need to become successful and make money in your later years, moving into adulthood and the adult world. It also gives people the chance to learn about who they are as a person and what careers may interest them in the near future.

(1:57) P1: Students in GCE should expect to be taught differently than the average school.
Here, when learning about Humanities we explore many topics and subjects within the subject itself. Screenwriting isn't just about writing a movie, it's storytelling, it's dialogue. It is not far from what kids already learn in a Humanities class.

(2:23) P2: It improves story telling.
Many kids in school need to use storytelling all throughout their lives. It shows creativity in your writing. Good storytelling is the key to becoming a better writer. This is of course is essential when you're applying to colleges. Colleges want to hear YOUR story. This can prepare a lot of students for this as well as for exam prompts, job interviews, etc.

(2:26) P3: Writing and reading stories can help with anxiety and stress.
According to the University of Rochester, keeping a journal and writing down your thoughts can help manage your mental health. Writing or reading stories is also shown to help anxiety and stress. Students don’t have to journal about personal things but they can be story ideas for screenplays, or short stories. In my opinion, writing of any form whether it’s journaling or storytelling can help you collect your thoughts and bring out the creativity inside. Students doing this once a day can help refocus them because school IS Stressful.

(2:54) P4: Students have the freedom to express themselves.
I read an article in the NY times about how teachers in some schools do not allow kids to express themselves through their writing. I’ve noticed this in school, myself. Whenever writing about a topic that is unique or personal, teachers would try too hard to make it academic focused. Creativity is not looked at as a good thing in school sometimes. Teachers don’t understand. Writing and reading screenplays can be a way for students to disconnect themselves from the real world and channel in with the things that they really feel. If kids have to read books in school that already have violence or explicit language, why are we not able to write and read movies about a world we identify with?

(3:03) P5: It would be just as beneficial to read a full screenplay in class, than to watch a movie.
When students are reading screenplays rather than watching the actual movie, this allows them to break down dialogue which can improve reading and writing. This could also help language as well because there are a number of screenplays that use different kinds of language and I'm not just talking about foreign movies. English language comes in several different forms and It’s a different experience when you're reading the actual screenplay.

P6: It gives students room for career choices.
A screenwriting class can change a kid's life. Just as much as a science, math, or basic English
class can change a student's life. School is an opportunity to explore the future career choices you have. There are people who love movies. And there are people who love writing. Screenwriting is a mixture of the two. They’ll have that prior knowledge before going to college if they do want to go for art. It just gives kids more options , rather than narrowing them down to careers like a scientist, lawyer, doctor, and so on.

In conclusion, reading and writing screenplays should be taught as an Independent Study to give students the room for self expression and opportunity to improve writing skills, especially through storytelling.


“7 Reasons Why Studying Screenwriting Can Make You A Better Novelist.” Bang2Write, 1 Dec. 2016,

“How Reading Screenplays Will Improve Your Writing.” Creative Screenwriting,

“Journaling for Mental Health.” Ice Packs vs. Warm Compresses For Pain - Health Encyclopedia - University of Rochester Medical Center,

KristinaAdamsAuthor. “How Writing Helps Me Through Depression.” The Writer's Cookbook, 16 Sept. 2017,

Proulx, Natalie. “Is School a Place for Self-Expression?” The New York Times, The New York Times, 24 Apr. 2018,

“The Declaration of Independence: Full Text.”, Independence Hall Association,

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